International Undergraduate Community
Financial Officer: Yi Lang Mok (
Amount Approved: $6,320
Full Budget
What is the mission and purpose of your student group?
To develop and strengthen the international undergraduate
community at Stanford by fostering friendship and tolerance among
international undergraduates, and to build close ties between
international undergraduates and the greater Stanford community.
Why are you requesting Special Fees?
We would like to organize big events for the benefit of
developing strong friendships among international students as
well as with the Stanford community as a whole. Our quarterly
dinners (which are free) have served to be a great time for
international students to come together and catch up over a busy
quarter, and we hope to keep this up. These dinners are open to
international students, their friends, and everyone in the
Stanford community.
What are the three largest line item requests in your budget and why?
Food, travel fares and cosponsorship. Our major events are
quarterly dinners where we order good catered food. Our other
major event is the international orientation, which really helps
the international freshman class bond and feel at home, even more
so after regular orientation. For the international orientation
we have a beach trip which requires two buses for a whole day,
which leads to large transport costs. We also provide lunch
which adds to food cost. Finally, we would like to assist
international groups hold events, and as such we have a
cosponsorship aspect to our budget.
If you applied for Special Fees last year, is there an increase in the
amount you're seeking this year? If so, why?
There has not been an increase in the amount we are seeking. As
a matter of fact we are asking for less this year, as some of the
excess items from this year's events, such as tableware and
beverage items, have been kept for next year's events.