SHPRC - Sexual Health Peer Resource Center
Financial Officer: James Poole (
Amount Approved: $12,937
Full Budget
What is the mission and purpose of your student group?
The Sexual Health Peer Resource Center is a student-run
organization that promotes sexual health and safety, both in the
physical and emotional senses. We provide many kinds of safe sex
supplies either free or at reduced cost in addition to
information, resources, and counseling in a non-judgemental and
confidential environment. The SHPRC also offers outreach
programs for residences and student groups. Topics include birth
control methods, sexually transmitted infections, women's health
issues, LGBTQ health issues, and healthy sexual expression.
Why are you requesting Special Fees?
We are requesting Special Fees again because buying all of our
sexual health supplies (condoms, lubricant, spermicides, tampons,
books, dental dams, massage oils, etc.) requires more funds than
ASSU General Fees can provide. We also need funds for our dorm
outreaches and big giveaway events like activities fairs,
contests, Full Moon, Valentine's Day, etc.
What are the three largest line item requests in your budget and why?
The largest line item is for general supplies (all the safe sex
supplies mentioned earlier). The next largest is staff salaries,
which are necessary b/c of the huge time commitment involved in
keeping the office running every day. It involves managing
staff, meetings, dealing with supply distributors, covering for
unstaffed hours, maintaining good University relations, staying
up to date on training, and teaching comprehensive sexual health.
The third largest is meeting food, which is necessary for our
meetings, candy supplies for the center, and food & eanabs for
the shprc all-campus party!
If you applied for Special Fees last year, is there an increase in the
amount you're seeking this year? If so, why?