Wind Ensemble
Financial Officer: Rebecca Sawyer (
Amount Approved: $15,600
Full Budget
What is the mission and purpose of your student group?
To provide a forum for students, staff, and the community to practice and
perform traditional and contemporary wind ensemble music.
Why are you requesting Special Fees?
We are requesting Special Fees in order to enable student musicians to
perform and for the Stanford community to have the opportunity to hear
traditional and contemporary wind ensemble music. We are seeking to expand
our campus presence by performing several other concerts throughout the year
in addition to the typical three per year. We also hope to have the chance
to go on tour and share Stanford's music throughout Europe.
What are the three largest line item requests in your budget and why?
1) Food (for concert receptions, retreat, and tour)
2) Facilities Rental (to be able to hold concerts in Dink
Auditorium every quarter)
3) Equipment Rental (to be able to rent the instruments we are
not able to travel with at the various places we perform)