Some student organizations offer endorsements to candidates and slates that meet their group's criteria. The Commission has no involvement with each group's endorsement decisions/processes, but simply provide this space for them to list their contact information. Each group's questionnaire and description is available through the links below.
Organizations that endorse candidates have a certain set of rules in regards to aiding their endorsed candidates. One of these requirements is registration, so that campaign spending may be tracked. Registration details coming soon.
If you are a member of an endorsing group on campus and would like your information included on this page, please contact the commission at elections@elections.stanford.edu.
Endorsement Groups
A coalition of sustainability and environmentally focused student organization. Application form coming soon
More Information
Contact us if your student group makes endorsements and would like to be listed here. Include a link to your questionnaire or document.
Endorsing groups are responsible for their own endorsement process and publicity efforts. The Elections Commission provides this list as an informational service to candidates and the public.